Testimonials from schools

“I just wanted to say what a wonderful week our year 5 children and their teachers have had this week with Sam, learning how to cut and print lino! The children were so engaged and our highlight was when one of our most disengaged boys ran out of school with a huge smile saying “I know what I want to be when I grow up now!” Amazing! Thank you!”
Philippa Cummings Art lead
Beaumont Primary Academy

“Sam, thank you again also for your hard work and patience and in-depth reflection on the activity – the students really enjoyed the workshops and for most of them it has genuinely opened their eyes to the way an artist works and develops ideas and builds a career over time.”

Lydia Green
Course Leader AL Fine Art and BTEC L3 Extended Diploma in Art and Design Practice
Head of Art and Design Huddersfield New College

“Sam was an excellent Artist in Residence and engaged well with all of the students, her expertise and in depth knowledge allowed pupils to successfully experiment with new techniques and processes whilst being able to produce good quality final outcomes.”
Matt MacDowel
Art Head of Department – Secondary Creative Arts
St Georges School, Munich
“Children used the artwork they were creating as a basis for many interesting discussions that wouldn’t necessarily come to light in our English lessons. (The) main comment from children was, ‘is she coming back?’
Thank you for a fantastic experience.”
Lauren Peevor
Y3 Teacher – Abbey Lane Primary

“(The workshop) was funded by our parents association, who call such visits WOW Days.  We sent them a short video of the children literally going ‘WOW’ which has gone down really well.  They would like to pass on their thanks for your effort on the day.”

Adam Butler
Class Teacher (Y2), Maths and PE Coordinator
Oughtibridge Primary School

“The children really enjoyed seeing your existing art work and seeing the quick and effective process of printing. The fact they could produce something in a short space of time and that each child produced something unique was fantastic.”
Bryony Hollis 
Art Lead and FS2 Lead Greystones Primary School

“You were able to provide lots of exciting ideas for workshops that linked well to the work that was already being covered in school. The activities planned were engaging and pitched at the correct level for the children. SEN children were focused and able to access the learning and lower ability children were expressing themselves. Staff also commented that the children loved to see your own work and it helped them understand more about being an artist. The workshops helped to excite the children and further develop a love for art.”


Alaina Giles 
Art Lead, Carlton Junior & Infant School.
“I’m so glad I found you!”
Claire Pinder
Admin Officer
Carlton Junior & Infant School