Urban Wallpaper Project Huddersfield College for WYPW (West Yorkshire Print Workshop)

The Urban Wallpaper Project had quite an open brief – to reflect the students life and experiences – in some senses as a college teacher this can be a bit worrying, as we are often very tied to tight stricture and content, but we decided to give ourselves fully over to the work with Sam to allow the students to experience this without our interference. There was a period of ‘trying things out’ in inks which generated some layered imagery – but then some grouping decisions were made, very sensitively by Sam, making suggestions on subject nature and colour and with student input – these would influence the collaborative group that would work on each individual wallpaper length.

I really enjoyed having the chance to work with Sam. I felt it was so beneficial to work alongside a proper artist printmaker because I didn’t really know that much about professional printmaking before this project. Sam talked to us about her working routine and it made me more aware of the different aspects to her week. I thought the wallpaper activity was really fun as we got to work in groups with other students, something we wouldn’t normally do at college – we really had to collaborate and make joint decisions on the work.
Art Student.
Huddersfield New College