Workshops for Schools

çubist inspired gelli print with Y2 students
çubist inspired gelli print with Y2 students
WWII inspired printing with WYPW
Cubism inspired gelli printing for WYPW

I really enjoy running printmaking workshops for all children from primary school age upwards. I have an MA in Arts Education, over 12 years experience teaching art, design and textiles in school and I have fully enhanced DBS. I am happy to work with large or smaller groups and I can develop a project to suit your chosen theme or topic. Below are some photos of recent work in schools and some testimonials from teachers. You can click here to read about my recent visit to a school in Munich as a visiting artist.

Please get in touch using my contact form if you would like to discuss me visiting your school.

“I just wanted to say what a wonderful week our year 5 children and their teachers have had this week with Sam, learning how to cut and print lino! The children were so engaged and our highlight was when one of our most disengaged boys ran out of school with a huge smile saying “I know what I want to be when I grow up now!” Amazing! Thank you!”
Philippa Cummings Art lead
Beaumont Primary Academy

Creating press prints of Greek Vases at Marlcliffe Primary

Printmaking With Nature workshop with Oughtibridge School Y2 students

table prepped
children printing
leaf prints 1
leaf prints
engraving of a leaf
Oughtibridge school newsletter


Do you think the workshop activity was appropriate for your class?

Absolutely! The range of activities offered complimented our curriculum offer well, and the children were able to explore a range of different printmaking techniques really well. On the afternoon of your visit, we had a walkaround by our SEND Governors. They were thrilled to see that all of the activities were accessible for all children, and that the needs of all children in our class were met.

Could you describe any aspects of the visit you thought were particularly successful and why?

For me, the children were able to better understand the different ways in which marks can be made. By showing children a range of techniques, they began to understand how pressing, cutting, colouring different elements can produce different outcomes.

Are there any students whom you thought were particularly inspired or responded in unexpected ways? If so can you give me a little more detail about this?

There is one little boy in my class who is struggling at the moment with anxiety. He is particularly worried about creative and imaginative activities such as Art so I was concerned that he might not engage well. However he had a fantastic afternoon and looked so proud of himself at the end when his work was commented on as a good example.

What would you say was the impact of my visit on the students who I worked with?

There is definitely an academic benefit to your visit – children understand how to create the prints and will be able to apply this to our Art project in subsequent weeks. Away from this though, the engagement of the children on the afternoon was so high! They loved the activity and were so proud of their artwork at the end.

Do you have any other comments?

This day was funded by our parents association, who call such visits WOW Days. We sent them a short video of the children literally going ‘WOW’ which has gone down really well. They would like to pass on their thanks for your effort on the day.

Adam Butler – Class Teacher (Y2), Maths and PE Coordinator
Oughtibridge Primary School

Below is work from a workshop with Children from Limpsfield Primary School.

Print work was developed from observational drawings of local buildings.
The work was exhibited at Bloc Studios in Sheffield.

Images and testimonials from workshops in Abbey Lane Primary School.

There was lots of talk generated, some really interesting art and the children used lots of different skills. Every child could access and benefit from an aspect of the workshop. Children used the artwork they were creating as a basis for many interesting discussions that wouldn't necessarily come to light in our English lessons. Main comment from children was, "Is she coming back?"
Thank you for a fantastic experience.
Lauren Peevor
Y3 Teacher - Abbey Lane Primary
The collaborative nature of the printing was great for the kids and even those who usually find art challenging had the opportunity to succeed. They learned new skills from an expert too.
Melissa Duncan
Y3 Teacher - Abbey Lane Primary
Creating their individual printing board allowed the children to be as detailed as they dared. Some opted for a very simple design to print; whereas other, more able pupils created more elaborate designs. The completed results looked fantastic and the children were (rightly) proud of their work.
Paul Boulton
Y4 Teacher - Abbey Lane Primary

Urban Wallpaper Project Huddersfield College for WYPW (West Yorkshire Print Workshop)

The Urban Wallpaper Project had quite an open brief – to reflect the students life and experiences – in some senses as a college teacher this can be a bit worrying, as we are often very tied to tight stricture and content, but we decided to give ourselves fully over to the work with Sam to allow the students to experience this without our interference. There was a period of ‘trying things out’ in inks which generated some layered imagery – but then some grouping decisions were made, very sensitively by Sam, making suggestions on subject nature and colour and with student input – these would influence the collaborative group that would work on each individual wallpaper length. 

I think the students felt incredibly valued. Sessions were hugely productive, with many of the students working across groups to help each other meet the deadline, but also to share blocks or elements to build on the visual outcomes. They really took on board the need to keep the papers clean and wanted to do a proper job for Sam.
We’d wanted the students to have a talk from Sam about her professional life, this they really enjoyed and quite a few students commented afterwards about how it had really opened their eyes to the reality of an artists’ working activity – the costs, the necessity for professional workspaces, how one presents oneself on social media etc. the gallery space costs and commission. It definitely inspired a few of the students to become printmakers!
Lydia Green
Course Leader Fine Art
Huddersfield New College
I really enjoyed having the chance to work with Sam. I felt it was so beneficial to work alongside a proper artist printmaker because I didn’t really know that much about professional printmaking before this project. Sam talked to us about her working routine and it made me more aware of the different aspects to her week. I thought the wallpaper activity was really fun as we got to work in groups with other students, something we wouldn’t normally do at college – we really had to collaborate and make joint decisions on the work. Art Student. Huddersfield New College

Whole school activity printing Elephant banners with Marlcliffe School

group of children stamp printing an elephant print

Looking at Image and Identity with Y5 and Y6 pupils at Pathways E-ACT Academy